What Do You Do When Your Employees Get Sick? : The Reward for Hard/Good Work is More Work (Companies Don't Give a Shit)

What Do You Do When Your Employees Get Sick?

The Reward for Hard Work is More Work

By Adam Mundorf

What Do You Do When Your Employees Get Sick?
Listen, I'm all against people who call out of work all willy-nilly.  They are annoying, lazy and completely derail the momentum of the day. We are human beings though and things do happen.  I'm not a big believer in 'random acts' but I even succumb to illness once in a while.  I found this to be the case about three days ago.  I got some sort of sickness that has only now left my body.  I felt like complete and utter garbage.  You would think after years of overtime, sacrifice, flexibility and never missing a shift some sort of grace would be warranted........alas, none was given.

This led me to rightfully so, think about a few things.  If I was a leader of a company and I saw my team suffering, I would descend from my proverbial throne to cover their butts.  I scratch their backs and they scratch mine.  No job is beneath me and my team walks beside me, not behind me.  

The things I heard from people who are supposed to be role models were cringe worthy, not virtuous and devoid of any ounce of leadership qualities :
  • "Drink some vitamin C or something."
    • Wow, wait until Cancer patients hear about this one.
  • "You're a tough guy, you can handle it."
    • Uh thanks bro, but I can be tougher tomorrow if I can go home and recover today.  I've been tough for 12 years straight.
  • "I've come to work puking and with a fever.  I still served the guest and made it through the day."
    • Way to violate food handling safety.
  • "We're survivors."
    • This isn't Vietnam.
  • "You're fine."
    • Uh, my FitBit statistics calling 911 say otherwise.
I'm not a bitch.  I can deal with a lot of shit and am extremely resilient.  Especially when it comes to physical labor, long days and going without eating.  Guess what though?  Sometimes, even the best of us need a fucking break.  Sometimes, we get ill and we don't have the luxury of having an inherited desk job.  Some of us actually work a physically intensive job that offers little in flexibility of roles and tasks.

I know if I had a cushy desk job and led a company, I'd be chomping at the bit to physically help my employees who toil and labor for me when they obviously aren't feeling well.

The Reward for Hard Work/Good Work is More Work (Companies Don't Give a Shit)
I was introduced to people getting fucked over often throughout my childhood and young adulthood.  A friend's day was laid off from a company he was extremely loyal and well performing to.  A relative of mine was reduced in work load nearing a retirement of a 20 year career of sweat, blood and dedication.  Another person was laid off without notice after fixing the company's network.  Other people were crying at company events over not getting awards and others were overlooked for promotions due to nepotism.  Trying their best and exceeding expectations only to be passed over by someone with the right last name.

Companies don't give a shit.

Companies are lucky they get people who were raised right and raised to care.  You should still try your best at your job but don't fool yourself that you are appreciated or truly valued.  Do a good job because you are a good person not because you'll receive some swag, measly raise or some sort of verbal kudos at the next meeting.
The reward for hard/good work is more work.  I've seen it time and time again, good employees are piled on with responsibilities with no accolades while poor performing employees are praised for wearing their shoes on the right feet.  This is misconstrued as meaning just due the minimum, no it means do your best but don't stress.  Get what you can get done and leave it at that.  I've seen too many people burn themselves out trying to reach unrealistic expectations set by supervisors/managers that don't have to do the actual labor themselves.

Work hard and do good work.  Expect your job to keep stacking tasks on.  Do your best to get them done but don't stress if you don't.  Givers have limits (you) Takers have no limits (Employer).

If anyone reading this gets upsetty spaghetti.  Fuck it, if the shoe fits wear it.  I have more money than I know what to do with.


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