Why I Don't Own an Animal - Responsibility and Obligation - Selfishness and the Dream Life - Conclusion


Why I Don't Own an Animal

Responsibility and Obligation

Selfishness and the Dream Life


By Adam Mundorf

Why I Don't Own an Animal

Hey, anyone who knows me, knows I love animals.  They're cute, adorable, fun, intelligent and loyal but I have many issues with modern day animal owners.  People will buy an animal based on how it looks, what they 'want' and their own impulses.  Sometimes they even buy these animals when they can't even afford to feed themselves or their own family.  They could already be in debt and still buy themselves that cute puppy or cat.

Responsibility and Obligation

Responsibility and obligation is one thing that I aim at minimizing in my life.  I don't take any source of responsibility and obligation lightly.  If I choose to put another thing on my plate, I make damn sure that I can pay every bill and give that responsibility/obligation every ounce of me it deserves.  It pisses me the fuck off, that people will buy an animal and they are already on government assistance or behind on their bills.  It's disgusting and quite frankly a disgrace.  They work long jobs but choose to buy a puppy that has to go out every few hours and doesn't deserve to be crated up inside.  They need money for QUALITY food and not the common junk food that is fed to our animals.  They need money for quality veterinary care because as children rely on parents for complete support, pets are the same way.

Pets need emotional time as well.  We need to spend time with our dogs and animals.  While pets are only around for part of our life, we are their whole life.  They deserve our time, money, dignity and respect.  

You say you love your animal, but you don't.  You don't love them enough to spend quality time with them.  You don't love them enough to feed them a truly quality and nutrient dense diet.  You don't love them enough to not keep that chained to the wall.  You don't love them enough to give them proper outdoor time.  You don't love them enough to have the money for quality veterinary care.  You're all liars.

The worst part about this is that all of the above could be contributed towards children as well.  There are so many people who have kids they can't afford or give them the dignity and respect they deserve.

Selfishness and the Dream Life

I like the way that dog looks.  I want one.  I want another kid to make my family look complete.  I want another kid.  Want - want- want - want - want but many people never ask if they should.

You can't afford the ones you already have retard.  Selfishness is a topic that permeates into modern day society.  Mostly everybody is selfish and does things for their own look and ego.  Let's get something straight :

  • It's selfish to buy something you cannot afford.
  • It's selfish to buy a living thing you can't give the dream life to. 
  • It's selfish to feed animal junk food.
  • It's selfish to birth a kid into poverty.
  • It's selfish to feed a kid junk food.
  • It's selfish to live a life of excess.
This next section brings tears to my eyes because I see it everyday :

Anytime I imagine myself having children or having an animal.  I do so with great trepidation.  I'd much rather die than bring an animal or child into my life that I couldn't give the attention and resources it deserves.   That poor kid that can't afford lunch, not if I'm involved.  That poor kid that doesn't have all the best things in life, not if I'm involved.  That poor kid that can't get healthcare, not if I'm involved.  That poor puppy that is chained in the kitchen all day, not if I'm involved.  That poor cat that has been playing with the same toys for months, not if I'm involved.  That poor dog that eats low quality food, not if I'm involved.  That poor animal that doesn't get proper exercise, not if I'm involved.

Instead of animals or children, we should say souls.  These are souls that we chose to take responsibility for.  They are helpless and rely on us to give them the ultimate life.  What a selfish person we would be, if we didn't give these souls the best life possible.  Having a child is a choice.  Adopting an animal is a choice.  You cannot realistically convince me otherwise.  There are always extremely fringe exceptions to these rules but they are extremely rare and do not apply here.

Don't be a selfish piece of shit.  Don't bring a child into this world you can't afford.  Don't adopt animals when you can't even afford to live by yourself.  Don't abuse souls that you took responsibility for.  The onus is on you to provide.  I'm sick of this shit.  I'm sick of people not taking responsibility over their own decisions.  You fuck without protection = Child, Condoms and birth control are 98% effective.  No excuse there.  Don't adopt an animal you can't afford.  This shit is not rocket science.

I'm tired.  I'm tired of selfish people.  I'm tired of the lack of responsibility.  I'm tired of people abusing animals for their own selfish desires.  I'm sick of people having kids they can't afford.  I'm sick of them having even more after the first mistake.  I'm sick of people being behind on bills but still going out.  I'm sick of people not contributing to society.  I'm sick of fat mothers having thousands of dollars of government benefits, multiple baby daddies and sitting on their lazy asses.  I'm sick of people taking advantage of charity and have no ambition of their own.  I'm sick of people not taking care of their bodies but expecting everybody to work around them.  I'm sick of people getting paid the same as others but not pulling their own weight.  

I'm sick of it all.  If you all died tomorrow, I wouldn't care because you weigh society down, are selfish, abuse innocent souls due to selfish desire and are a net negative in the world.  The world would be better without you.  Part of having the privilege of being a human in this world, it also comes with a great responsibility and to throw that privilege down the drain is the ultimate disservice to our creator or divine circumstance.

Thank you for reading.


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