To Die Rich is to Die Disgraced : Sacrifice Today to Give More Tomorrow : Don't Be a Lazy Sack of Shit (Work Until You Physically Can't)


To Die Rich is to Die Disgraced

Sacrifice Today to Give More Tomorrow

Don't Be a Lazy Sack of Shit

By Adam Mundorf

To Die Rich is to Die Disgraced
I forget what I was reading when I came across this quote by Andrew Carnegie but it really resonated with me.  To die rich is to die disgraced.  What does this mean to me?  Well, I've always been pretty reserved when it comes to my wealth, lifestyle and money.  I have the financial ability and flexibility to do anything (if I pay some tax penalties) but I don't have the want or the need.  This leads me to the next question of why do we hoard all of our money, even when it is in great excess of our lifestyle needs?  Here I am.  I already won the game but yet I still maintain a high savings rate and still invest most my income.  


Why do we continue to hoard away our cash, even when the proverbial game is already over?

Sacrifice Today to Give More Tomorrow
We continue to save and invest because every dollar we invest today, can be worth 10 dollars in the future.  It's a noble pursuit to begin a project even knowing you will not see the fruits of your labor.  Don't do it for recognition or to show off with a picture of a large check but do it because it's the virtuous thing to do.  It's even better if you make a posthumous donation without your name attached.

We aren't here for fame, recognition or immortality but leaving this world better than we found it.

Don't Be a Lazy Sack of Shit (Work Until You Physically Can't)
There is nothing I hate more than people who just don't work.  They can but they just don't.  They're comfortable taking handouts, living off the system and/or making up excuses on why they can't contribute to the greater good.  Do not be this person.  This kind of person is a disgrace to everybody around them and society as a whole.  Don't be a lazy sack of shit.  Get out there and work.  Contribute until you no longer can be that through physical ailment or mental impairment.  People say age is a factor.  I can assure you it is not.  We grow old because we stop working.  We grow old because we no longer contribute and just take. 

Now, I'm not saying you have to work some really difficult or arduous job but contribute.  Don't sit on your laurels and just take, unless you absolutely must do so through an act of God.

Well, I hope everyone enjoyed this blog post.  I have so many blogs lined up in my drafts that are almost done but not quite!  I hope to post some more in the future and complete those blogs but life has been keeping me pretty busy.

Thank you again for taking the time.


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