What I Learned During the Dale Carnegie Course : Three Largest Lessons

What I Learned During the Dale Carnegie Course Three Largest Lessons By Adam Mundorf What I Learned During the Dale Carnegie Course Recently, the company I work for decided to host a Dale Carnegie Course for all of its managers and leadership team. Dale Carnegie is a course meant to enhance leadership qualities while giving you thought provoking scenarios and lessons to use in the real world. I had a really good time, it allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and taught me three valuable lessons (there are more but I want to limit this blog to the three biggest lessons I learned). Here they are : Lesson #1 - Adam 'Pause' Mundorf - Avoiding the Stutter Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I've had somewhat of a stutter since a young age. I'm not talking like King George the Sixth but it's there. It gave me grief as a childhood but as I got older, it got funnier because I knew it wasn't a disability but my brain moving entirely too fast for my mouth....