Why Do You Want to Be Like Them? : The Realization I'm Not Conventionally Smart - Crying in the Car

Why Do You Want to Be Like Them? The Realization I'm Not Conventionally Smart - Crying in the Car By Adam Mundorf Why Do You Want to Be Like Them? This blog will be mostly my inner monologue with some questions along the way, just for a warning. I'm putting my thoughts down and through that process to find some 'a-ha' moments. It's self exploration. I get asked often about why I'm comfortable where I am in life because my chosen profession isn't what most people would want. I'm not an exactly ambitious individual but am content with my own lot in life. People respond typically with an almost pity and that perplexes me. Maybe it's because I have such simple wants and desires. I value the inexpensive/simple pleasures in life. I value peace and quiet, a comfortable bed, cute animals and running water. I for sure get if you burdened your life with obligations i.e, family, huge debts and/or some idealistic dream of being fabulously wealt...