Kokoro : When Discipline and Effort Isn't Enough : My Solution



When Discipline and Effort Isn't Enough

My Solution

By Adam Mundorf

Kokoro is a Japanese word meaning : heart, mind and spirit.  You have your body, you have your thoughts and you have your soul.  We are living things.  With this comes the stress of life whether that is physical, emotional or spiritual.  The human body is one piece.  Everything is connected and everything matters.

When Discipline and Effort Isn't Enough
Some of us as humans love to load our schedules up with intense training regimens, tough eating regimens, long work days, tiring relationships and untenable obligations.  WAIT!  The human body only has so much RAM to devote to itself.  All these plans sound really great on paper until life and unpredictability hits.  Life has a way of beating the most disciplined of us down.  If you read the definition of Kokoro, you will realize that everything is interconnected.  A bad day at work, can decrease effort or willpower in the gym.  An argument with a spouse, could cause you to lose sleep.  Not eating enough or being overly restrictive with calories, could cause fatigue making you miss a session.  Working out your body unrealistically hard, may even cause injury especially if you already have a physical occupation.  What we need as humans is an approach that ebbs and flows with the stressors of everyday life.....

My Solution
The first step to any solution is being honest with yourself.  Do you have the time to train like a Navy Seal?  Probably not.  Do you have the energy to train like a Bulgarian Olympic weightlifter?  Most likely not.  Do you have time for training sessions that will take hours? Many people don't.  You need to choose a workout program that's conducive to your lifestyle, not the other way around.  Workout to live, don't live to workout.  This goes doubly so for your eating schedule.  If you know you can't handle intermittent fasting, why do it?  Choose an eating style, that's conducive to your lifestyle schedule and demands.  I may be repeating myself here but it's my blog so whatever.  This goes doubly so for philosophy.  Choose a philosophy that is realistic to your life.  Ideally we would all be monks to our beliefs but those are truly the minority.  Luckily for us, progress in life is determined by consistency of effort and intensity should only be paired with consistency.  Choose things that allow you to be consistent over the long haul.  Remember that your life is unpredictable and unique.  Your approaches need to be congruent with that.

Listen, I get it, we all want to be superheroes and especially in the age of social media it's easy to compare ourselves to others not realizing what their lifestyle truly looks like.  We need to do what we can with what we have...there is no dishonor in that.

If you need help finding a program, philosophy or eating style that's congruent with your lifestyle respond here or message me on Reddit.  I'm always willing to help.


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