Parable of the Drowning Man : Prayer is Laziness (Unless....) : Thoughts and Prayers Don't Build Wells, Hard Work and Money Does

Parable of the Drowning Man Prayer is Laziness (Unless....) Thoughts and Prayers Don't Build Wells - Hard Work and Money Does By Adam Mundorf Parable of the Drowning Man There is a story that is often told in churches about a man who prays to God to save him from floods. He has offers from people in rowboats and helicopters to get him saved from the flood. He refuses each one and says God will save him. He eventually drowns in the water and goes to heaven. He asks God : "Why didn't you save me?" God said : "I tried! I sent you rowboats and helicopters to save you but you turned each one down." The moral of the story is that God helps those who help themselves. How selfish is it to wish for change but not get to work with your own two hands. What makes you deserving of handouts when you put forth no effort yourself? Prayer is Laziness (Unless....) In my opinion, people use prayer as a form of procrastination and laziness instead...