Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Wealth : The Millionaire Next Door

Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Wealth The Millionaire Next Door By Adam Mundorf Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Wealth Wow! Look at that beautiful sports car, the big house, the jewelry and the designer clothing. They must have it all! Right? No. In all reality, these are the first people to go belly up at the first sign of trouble. From the outside looking in, you would assume that these people had their shit together. Very rarely do any of them, that's why the wealthier one gets oftentimes the simpler and more frugal their tastes. I've seen it time and time again, visiting friends in wealthy neighborhoods and seeing foreclosure signs littering the streets, including some of my Wall Street friends. Once a point of misaligned jealousy from me has come to light, they could never afford this lifestyle at all. Living life on leverage and trying to keep up with the neighbors gets expensive. In the world of money and wealth, the truly wealthy...