
What Do You Do When Your Employees Get Sick? : The Reward for Hard/Good Work is More Work (Companies Don't Give a Shit)

What Do You Do When Your Employees Get Sick? The Reward for Hard Work is More Work By Adam Mundorf What Do You Do When Your Employees Get Sick? Listen, I'm all against people who call out of work all willy-nilly.  They are annoying, lazy and completely derail the momentum of the day. We are human beings though and things do happen.  I'm not a big believer in 'random acts' but I even succumb to illness once in a while.  I found this to be the case about three days ago.  I got some sort of sickness that has only now left my body.  I felt like complete and utter garbage.  You would think after years of overtime, sacrifice, flexibility and never missing a shift some sort of grace would be warranted........alas, none was given. This led me to rightfully so, think about a few things.  If I was a leader of a company and I saw my team suffering, I would descend from my proverbial throne to cover their butts.  I scratch their backs and they scratch mine.  No job is beneath me an

The Things People Sacrifice for Money : Why I'm Actually Against FIRE but Didn't Use to Be

The Things People Sacrifice for Money Why I'm Actually Against FIRE but Didn't Use to Be By Adam Mundorf The Things People Sacrifice for Money The importance of looking rich, acting rich and the focus on money in today's society is extremely common.  People will do just about anything to earn a buck including sacrificing their morality, self worth, time, imagination and physical health.  Whether it's porn, sexual acts, your prime years and emotional eating to drown out the lack of fulfillment from your job........there is no limit on what people will do for money.  A while back, I learned how shallow the pursuit of money is.  It's no secret to those reading this blog that I enjoy personal finance, investing and the pursuit of making your money work for you long term with minimal effort.    I'm still a proponent of working hard but Jesus Christ, have some perspective and don't sacrifice things that are hard or impossible to ever get back. Why I'm Actually

What I Learned During the Dale Carnegie Course : Three Largest Lessons

  What I Learned During the Dale Carnegie Course Three Largest Lessons By Adam Mundorf What I Learned During the Dale Carnegie Course Recently, the company I work for decided to host a Dale Carnegie Course for all of its managers and leadership team.  Dale Carnegie is a course meant to enhance leadership qualities while giving you thought provoking scenarios and lessons to use in the real world.  I had a really good time, it allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and taught me three valuable lessons (there are more but I want to limit this blog to the three biggest lessons I learned).  Here they are : Lesson #1 - Adam 'Pause' Mundorf - Avoiding the Stutter Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I've had somewhat of a stutter since a young age.  I'm not talking like King George the Sixth but it's there.  It gave me grief as a childhood but as I got older, it got funnier because I knew it wasn't a disability but my brain moving entirely too fast for my mouth.  The

Why Do You Want to Be Like Them? : The Realization I'm Not Conventionally Smart - Crying in the Car

  Why Do You Want to Be Like Them? The Realization I'm Not Conventionally Smart - Crying in the Car By Adam Mundorf Why Do You Want to Be Like Them? This blog will be mostly my inner monologue with some questions along the way, just for a warning.  I'm putting my thoughts down and through that process to find some 'a-ha' moments.  It's self exploration. I get asked often about why I'm comfortable where I am in life because my chosen profession isn't what most people would want.  I'm not an exactly ambitious individual but am content with my own lot in life.  People respond typically with an almost pity and that perplexes me.  Maybe it's because I have such simple wants and desires.  I value the inexpensive/simple pleasures in life.  I value peace and quiet, a comfortable bed, cute animals and running water.  I for sure get if you burdened your life with obligations i.e, family, huge debts and/or some idealistic dream of being fabulously wealthy, you&

Company Parties : Walk Beside Me not Behind Me : The 'Christian' CEO's

  Company Parties Walk Beside Me not Behind Me The 'Christian' CEO's By Adam Mundorf 'True leading is sacrifice, not privilege.' Company Parties What a kick in the face company parties are.  No money for raises but money for lavish and extravagant parties?  Cutting hours but have money for banquets?  Seems a bit hypocritical doesn't it?  A rising tide raises all ships and all these silly parties do is drain the ocean.  Lets be honest, most people want the cash because we have bills and actual expenses that aren't solved with a pizza party or catered dinner.  We have goals and aspirations where an extra 20 bucks can provide dividends into the future.  Skip the party and distribute the cash.  Your employees will love that more than any party you could throw.  Quite frankly, it's insulting that a company could even throw a party while simultaneously cutting hours.  What a kick in the nuts.   Walk Beside Me not Behind Me A big home, big yard and nice car is

Kokoro : When Discipline and Effort Isn't Enough : My Solution

  Kokoro When Discipline and Effort Isn't Enough My Solution By Adam Mundorf Kokoro Kokoro is a Japanese word meaning : heart, mind and spirit.  You have your body, you have your thoughts and you have your soul.  We are living things.  With this comes the stress of life whether that is physical, emotional or spiritual.  The human body is one piece.  Everything is connected and everything matters. When Discipline and Effort Isn't Enough Some of us as humans love to load our schedules up with intense training regimens, tough eating regimens, long work days, tiring relationships and untenable obligations.  WAIT!  The human body only has so much RAM to devote to itself.  All these plans sound really great on paper until life and unpredictability hits.  Life has a way of beating the most disciplined of us down.  If you read the definition of Kokoro, you will realize that everything is interconnected.  A bad day at work, can decrease effort or willpower in the gym.  An argument with

Your Body's 401k

  Your Body's 401k By Adam Mundorf People think you're crazy when you wake up and change your life. Your Body's 401k The obsession with money is misguided.  You don't need nearly as much as you think you do and if you have crazy aspirations for your money like mansions, Lamborghini and expensive tastes, your health will need to take a backseat in most cases.  Many readers of this blog know that I know a lot about the foundations of personal finance and investing.  What my many hours and possibly years of reading has led me to, is that health is wealth.  All that stressing, sitting and lack of true intrinsic fulfillment leads to a quite frankly, sad end of life.  People act like nursing homes, limping around, fat body and skinny arms is the only way to end up.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  I can run out of fingers and toes, thinking of examples of millionaires I personally know, who said they wished they took care of their health.  They have nice stuff b